'Greetings from Glorious Van Nuys' 1982. Gentle satire by artist Eric Wrobbel of the San Fernanado Valley and its condo conversions, murals, 'multi-culturalism' (Beef Teriyaki Burritos, Armenian burgers), utility poles, airport, bowling and Bob's Big Boy establishments, and car-centric culture featuring car and tire dealers, General Motors plant (on strike), and speed & custom shops--all in billows of auto exhaust. From 'Gags and Doodles' here: https://www.ericwrobbel.com/art/gagsanddoodles.htm

My home and office were in Van Nuys California for a few years in the early 1980s. I made and sent a few of these note cards at the time.

Some of these doodles you see here have been stuck to the wall next to my desk for so long they feel like old friends. Whether they are there waiting to be finished, or turned into something, I can no longer remember. They’re just kind of comfortable to look at for me, if you know what I mean. They may not look like much to you...

'Moods' cartoon, by Eric Wrobbel, circa 1980s. From 'Gags and Doodles' here: https://www.ericwrobbel.com/art/gagsanddoodles.htm

What: Concept, design, illustration

For: “Greetings from Glorious Van Nuys” postcard

Client: self, 1982


“Moods,” Black Lung Cigarettes, Salty Roads

'Black Lung Cigarettes' sketch, by Eric Wrobbel, circa 1980s. From 'Gags and Doodles' here: https://www.ericwrobbel.com/art/gagsanddoodles.htm 'Salty Roads' sketch/cartoon, by Eric Wrobbel, circa 1970s. From 'Gags and Doodles' here: https://www.ericwrobbel.com/art/gagsanddoodles.htm

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